
Network probe detector for SATAN

As a public service, Los Altos Technologies, a provider of UNIX system security software, has developed and released Gabriel (TM), a SATAN detector. Gabriel gives the system administrator an early warning of possible network intrusions by detecting and identifying network probing. Gabriel is complete and ready to run. Los Altos Technologies is providing Gabriel to its customers and anyone else who wishes to use it at no charge. It is expected that any future updates, enhancements, and revisions will come from the users.

Gabriel's Highlights:

Download Gabriel: Check out the Gabriel Manual Page

To join the Gabriel mailing list send mail to with the command
"subscribe gabriel" in the body of the email message.

Los Altos Technologies, Inc.
2111 Grant Road, Los Altos, CA 94024-6954
Phone (800) 999-UNIX, (415) 988-4848
Fax (415) 988-4860

Original Artwork by Neil Gaiman